I Still…
I still hate Thatcher
I will hate May
She’s married to a banker
What else is there to say?
Never trust a Tory
They’re a pain in the c***
This is going to be a short story
Not much rhymes with c***
I still hate Thatcher
She was a c***
Austerity is a c***
Austerity is a lie
Don’t trust the media
It’s class war
Not race war
The rich are c****
But so am I
I still hate Thatcher
I will hate May
Resist our new fascist Tory dictator!
I’ve got class war sand in my vagina
Only a socialism revolution solution
Can douche the Tory scum away!
written by comrade BJ Treglown on the eve of Theresa May’s succession to the Tory throne.
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