Plymouth Candidate – “Voters have a right to vote Communist”

For the first time in the party’s ninety-five year history a Communist candidate is standing for election in Plymouth.

Laura-Jane Rossington, a student at Plymouth City College, is also one of the youngest parliamentary candidates in the country.

“People in Plymouth have been holding their noses and voting Labour for generations. Voters have a right to a genuine left-wing alternative” she said.

“The Communist Party has a proud history in Britain, including hundreds of elected councillors and even two MPs back in 1945. We’re not just an anti-cuts campaign or a protest vote”.

The party is standing on a platform that includes leaving the EU and NATO, renationalising the utility companies and railways, taking the banks into public ownership, big cuts to VAT and a massive house building programme.

When it comes to paying for these policies Miss Rossington is surprisingly honest.

“It’s simple really. Where does profit come from? It comes from people working. The problem is too much of that profit is hoarded by the big corporations. We need to take it back”.

But the party is realistic about what it can achieve.

“I’m not going to be the Prime Minister on the 8th of May” joked Laura-Jane. “But by standing I can give people something positive to vote for and challenge the other party candidates on issues that really matter to people”.

“I don’t want people just to vote for me. I want us to get out there and start making the politicians work for us”.

Laura-Jane Rossington is standing for election in the Plymouth Sutton and Devonport constituency and will be speaking at hustings and numerous events across the city.

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