MINUTES of the
Dorset People’s Assembly meeting 14th March 2017, 7pm-9pm
Mad Cucumber, Bournemouth Triangle
-Introductions, 5 present including Chair and Treasurer.
-Apologies: x 1
-Financial Report: No change re finances. Haydn nominated as Secretary to replace
Chris. Tina/Sheila/Haydn to deal with paper work needed for bank account.
-Feedback from events since last meeting:
-20th Feb 6-8pm Bournemouth Square Demo Defend Migrants-Stop Trump. Building
on the previous spontaneous demo earlier in the month, 100+ turned out
-20th Feb 7.30pm Cricketers Springbourne Positive Money public meeting ‘Don’t fear
the Deficit’ discussing monetary systems.
23rd Feb 7.00pm Stop the War Coalition Bournemouth inaugural public meeting. The
Brunswick, Charminster. National officer Ian Chamberlain spoke about ‘A more
Dangerous World? War and Foreign Policy under Trump’ More meetings to come.
-27th Feb.The 38 degrees petition started by Sean Perrin ‘Save Poole Hospital A&E
and Maternity’ that attracted 20,000+ signatures was handed into a rep from the
Dorset CCG at Vespasian House. The Dorset CCG have confirmed to Sean that it will
be taken into consideration along with the public consultation docs. Article in the
Echo and photos on social media DPA, KONP Dorset + Unite turned out.
-4th March London. #Our NHS. Health Campaigns Together/People’s Assembly
march to Parliament Square. Massive turnout 250,000 +. Thank you to Unison for
arranging a coach up to London.
-10th March 7.30 -10pm Corn Exchange Dorchester ‘Stolen Lives- Despair on our
Doorstep’. Public meeting about immigration detention. Organised by West and South
Dorset Green Party. Very good turnout 200+
-Upcoming actions and events. Details available on relevant website/social media.
A campaign is under way by the NUT and other teachers unions supported be the
National People’s Assembly working together to highlight cuts to education. Go to
www.schoolcuts.uk for more info.
-18th March ‘Rebellious Women’ 2-5pm URC Skinner Street Poole. Afternoon of
celebrating women who have stood up for social justice and political reform.
-18th March London 12-4 ‘March against Racism’
20th March 7.30-9.30 pm Positive Money regular monthly discussion Cricketers
22th April 1.00-4.00pm Keep Our NHS Public rally with stalls and speakers at
Bourenmouth Horseshoe common. Leaflets to follow.
-25th April BIC 19.30-22.00 put on by the CWU ‘The People’s Politics’ free event
more info www.cwu.org
10th May. Stop the War Coalition Bournemouth. Further public event, details tbc
3rd June Christchurch. Dorset’s 1st Radical Book Fair. Day long and into the evening
event with stalls, talks and entertainment. £10 per table, to book email
dorsetbookfair@riseup.net for more info go to www.dorsetbookfair.wordpress.com
5th July Wednesday 69th Birthday of the NHS. People’s Assembly and Health
Campaigns Together are organising a national day of action. A local event will be
If anyone is putting on a protest/action or knows of any group that is, let us know
either on fb or email at info@dorsetpeoplesassembly.org and we’ll help promote it on
our social media.
– #DorsetHour is available to promote events on twitter between 7.30-8.30pm on a
Monday evening. They have 17,000 followers so useful platform.
Next meeting: Thursday 13th April Mad Cucumber 7-9pm.
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