Glad you could make it… a great weekend of solidarity and unity of purpose highlighted by speeches by Francis O’Grady and Jeremy Corbyn calling on us to continue our mass challenge to austerity, the trade union bill, cuts in public services, zero-hour contracts, and fracking. Thanks to all comrades, from the district and beyond who helped out with banners, working on the stalls, handing out literature and, of course, The Morning Star. Especially glad to see Gloria resplendent in red jacket and trousers, an inspiration to us all.
Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival Ode
I’m the only comrade in the village
The Tolpuddle Soviet am I
I meet under the tree
No one else there just me
‘Til the Tolpuddle Fest in July
I’m the only comrade in the village
But inspired by those martyrs I wait
When my comrades are here
One weekend of the year
We drink barrels of beer and feel great!
I’m the only comrade in the village
Dorset’s gentrified, countryside hell
Come by coach, train or car
I’ve got your Morning Star
And big comradely huggin’ as well!
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