The Morning Star

All newspapers have a political stance, whether they state it or not, in most cases reflecting conservative attitudes and giving succour and support to the capitalist Establishment.

The Morning Star – the only socialist national daily newspaper in the English language worldwide – wants to change society.

It recognises that the interests of the people would best be served by socialism, rather than the world of war, want and exploitation that capitalism offers.

The paper’s leading articles, found in the “Star comment” column, have provided cogent and combative analysis for its readers and those with whom readers live, work and play.

The paper was first published in January 1930 as the Daily Worker, and it belonged to the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB).

The People’s Press Printing Society Limited (PPPS) was established in 1945 as a co-operative, taking over the Daily Worker from the CPGB.

In 1966 the name of the title became the Morning Star (incorporating the Daily Worker).

As well as reading articles on the Morning Star website, you can now subscribe to an online edition of the paper. You can read the world’s only English-language socialist daily in full colour six days a week as soon as it becomes available – hours before it hits the shops.

The PDF digital editions are compatible with PC, Mac, iPad/iPhone, the latest Kindles and most ebook readers. Visit to register.

A new Facebook page has been launched for readers and supporters of the Morning Star in the South West. Like the page on Facebook to be kept up to date with all the latest news and events from readers in your area.

The Morning Star is run by a co-operative, the People’s Press Printing Society.

The Morning Star is different to the other national newspapers as it is run and owned its readers through a co-operative. Readers of the paper can become shareholders in the People’s Press Printing Society (PPPS) from just £1. Thousands of supporters have taken advantage of buying shares in the PPPS since the co-operative began in 1945.

Shares in the Star

Shareholders can attend any of the six annual general meetings around the UK, where they can actively participate in shaping the direction, running and content of the paper. Whether shareholders have one share or 20,000 they have equal voting rights and an equal say.

The Co-op, Trade Unions and the Management Committee

Sitting alongside other elected shareholders are the official representatives of nine national trade unions and the NE Area of the NUM. The ten are Community, CWU, FBU, GMB, NUM, RMT, POA, TSSA, UNITE and UCATT. This means over half of Britain’s 6.5 million trade unionists are represented on the paper’s Management Committee.

The management committee, representing the co-operative’s shareholders, have held fast to an editorial stance that gives historical continuity of analysis, perspective and leadership.

That editorial stance is anchored in the programme of the Communist Party of Britain, Britain’s Road to Socialism, and regularly reaffirmed by the shareholders of the PPPS.

It is from Britain’s Road to Socialism that successive editors have gained their inspiration.

The Morning Star also presents the views of the rich diversity of organisations and campaigns within the wider progressive movement.

They don’t all agree with one another, but are generally united in appreciating the clear and grounded day-by-day leadership given in the Morning Star’s editorial comments.

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