Reading and Rebellion

Cover for Reading and Rebellion

An Anthology of Radical Writing for Children 1900-1960

Edited by Kimberley ReynoldsJane Rosen, and Michael Rosen

  • Reveals the little-known genre of politically committed children’s publications in inter-war and post-war Britain
  • Presents more than 50 examples and extracts, from picture books, plays, song-books, novels, pamphlets
  • Arranged in fourteen thematic sections, each with an introduction capturing what it was like to read these books and attend performances of left-wing songs and stories as a child growing up in this period
  • Covers the full age spectrum of young readers, from pre-school children to adolescents
  • Includes a preface by the journalist and writer Polly Toynbee

Published and launched from September 2018 and available at all good bookstores that respect workers rights ( and a few that don’t, especially the one named after a South American river ).
The Marx Memorial Library is hosting a talk  ‘Reading and Rebellion’ on 21 November from 7pm. Editors of this anthology Kimberley Reynolds, Jane Rosen and Michael Rosen will speak on radical writing for children, including texts found in the MML’s collection.